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Bring some of summer's ‘zest’ indoors for the winter with a citrus tree in a pot.
Capt. Pete’s Rule of the Equinoxes and Answers to Baby Boomer Retirement Questions
<strong>By Greg Rossel</strong> One man’s hands-on approach promotes quality over quantity.
On life as an ovo-lacto-bovo-porco-pesco vegetarian and a question: must CSAs include beets?
<strong>By Eva Murray</strong> - Our Prom: Politics Made Us Do It (in which our heroine gets to wear her shiny purple prom dress)
<strong>By Peter Bass</strong> - A brief look at the two Maine boat shows.
Manhattan and Vinalhaven are More Alike than You'd Think
<strong>By Eva Murray</strong> - We also have a bridge to the mainland we’ll sell you.
<strong>By Eva Murray</strong> - The topic of today’s lesson will be junk cars.
Great Schooner Race Week - The Heritage
Victory Chimes: From launch to shake-down in three days.
The<em>Angelique</em> heads out of Camden Harbor
Mary Day: signs of spring in the Maine windjammer fleet.
Gunkholing with Gizmo; Cundy's Harbor
On a gray early April day, John’s Bay Boat Shop launched its 59th boat.
Gunkholing with Gizmo; Port Clyde
<strong>By Eva Murray</strong> - One man's “artisanal” is another man's hobby.
Gunkholing with Gizmo; Cross River looks and feels like a river, but…
<strong>By Peter Bass</strong> - Lyman Runabout & Huckins Cruiser: Boats My Grandfather Liked Too
<strong>By John K. Hanson, Jr.</strong> - Even in winter, “cold feet” is not an acceptable state of mind.
<strong>By Michael Porter</strong> - It’s the way of things that connections exist all up and down the coast.
<strong>By Eva Murray</strong> - Democracy is just as important on a small island as elsewhere--maybe more so.
<strong>By Marie Malin</strong> - Searching for fulfillment in nature.
<strong>By Peter Bass</strong> - Banjer 37 Motorsailer
<strong>By Marie Malin</strong> - You’ll know what you are looking for when you see it.