The digital edition of the magazine is also available for subscribers to view online or download to a device. Already a subscriber? Click here to view the latest edition on you desktop or laptop. Want to use your iPad, tablet, or smartphone? Please download the MBHH app from the iTunes or Google Play stores. Subscribers will need to use their email address and account number to log in. Questions? Visit our Digital Edition FAQ page for access details. Want to subscribe? Click Here to get the best of coastal Maine living. Jump to Bonus Content ↓ FEATURES Beyond the Black Lines Open water swimming has seen a surge in popularity recently, especially in Maine. Long-time swimmer Hodding Carter explains why. By W. Hodding Carter | Photos by Heather Perry Wooden Boat Love: It’s Alive and Well Builders John O’Donovan and Patrick Dole bring youth and a love of wooden boats to their work. By Bill Mayher Bohemian Princess This mystical gypsy caravan, built as a garden folly, features fine boatbuilding touches and is perfect for parties or afternoon naps. By Ann Costello | Photos by Sarah Szwajkos Aliens Among Us Non-native plants such as burning bush may look pretty but they can cause problems by pushing out native stock. We take a look at a few. Story & photographs by Lynette L. Walther Eight Lighthouses where you can spend the night We visit two, and tell you where to find the other six. By Mimi Bigelow Steadman & Polly Saltonstall From Boats to Art Dan West has taken skills he learned as a boatbuilder to make whimsical and timeless sculptures. By Carl Little John Atkins’ Ninigret Some boats are better suited for older folks, while others work better for the younger set, as Bill Boyd and his son, Ben, learned when they each went looking for a boat. Story & photographs by Bill Boyd From Awkward Spaces to Glorious Vistas Artists Fred and Hope Angier use murals and other painted touches to add life to otherwise empty spaces. By Kay Stephens Dr. Gould’s Flying Nurses Rockland physician Dr. Edwin Gould used homing pigeons to communicate with his patients on Penobscot Bay islands, where telephones did not yet exist. By Elizabeth G. Macalaster A Whale of a Time 13th Annual MBH&H Show was a hit with boaters. By Polly Saltonstall IN EVERY ISSUE FROM THE PUBLISHER BOATYARD DOG® LETTERS TO THE EDITOR We welcome your comments, and we print them too! ON THE TOWN DOCK A POSTCARD IN TIME AWANADJO ALMANACK GOOD READS THE MAINE I LOVE DEPARTMENTS Photo Essay / It’s All In A Tide Photo by Steven Callahan My Boat, My Harbor Internet pioneer and university professor Bob Metcalfe has owned the same 32-foot Ellis cruiser for 25 years. He explains why this sturdy vessel makes him happy. By Bob Metcalfe
A Letter From Home Stand-up paddleboards (SUPs) are a popular way to get on the water. Thor Emory is one of a growing number of athletes who have taken the sport to a higher level, using specifically designed SUPs for open-water surfing. By Thor Emory
Off the Drawing Board This powerboat was designed specifically for the “Great Loop”—up the East Coast, through the Great Lakes, down the Mississippi, and back up the coast to New York. By Art Paine
Small Adventures Eagle Island in Casco Bay has some nice hiking trails as well as the former summer home of Arctic explorer Robert Peary. By Mimi Bigelow Steadman
Saltwater Foodways Cooks in the past were comfortable about adapting recipes to ingredients at hand, including finding sweet substitutes for white sugar such as maple sugar, molasses, and even thickened apple cider. By Sandra Oliver
BONUS CONTENT What's Online @ Bonus Content For This Issue WHALER RENDEZVOUS: View 2015 Boston Whaler Rendezvous winners and photos. CAN'T GET ENOUGH OF WHALERS?: Explore the history of the Whaler and more. VIDEO: Ride along with Thor Emory as he paddles across Penobscot Bay in a November gale. VIDEO (COMING SOON): Visit with John O’Donovan and Patrick Dole in their boatshop as they work their wooden boat magic in a video made by our friends at 