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The Maine I Love

Photo slideshows by people who love Maine. Click on the image to view the photos and learn about the person who took them.

2019 Boat & Home Show

Scenes from the 2019 Maine Boat & Home Show.

The Maine I Love - Dan Dishner

Dan Dishner's view of Maine.

The Maine I Love - Terry Boivin

On the water with photographer Terry Boivin.

Etchells Racing on Casco Bay

Go racing in an Etchells 22 with Fleet 27

The Maine I Love – John E. Kachmar

Maine images by John E. Kachmar

The Maine I Love - Emily McDevitt

Long before hashtags, filters, digital cameras, and social media, I embraced my love and eye for photography on a six-week float plane adventure from Maine to Alaska with my dad.

The Maine I Love - Deborah Chatfield

Coastal Maine through the lens of Deborah Chatfield.

The Maine I Love — Micah Philbrook

An Owls Head lobsterman shares the experience.

The Maine I Love - U.S. Senator Angus King

Photographs of Maine by U.S. Senator Angus King

The Maine I Love — Kelli Park

Photographs from commercial fishing vessels by Kelli Parks.

The Maine I Love - Martha Andrews Donovan

Photos of Bass Harbor, Gotts Island, Bernard, and more from Martha Andrews Donovan.

The Pearson Ensign

The Pearson Ensign is a versatile racer/family daysailer that has stood the test of time.

Friendship, Art & Commerce

Two recently single women forge a friendship, and gain new insights about themselves.

An Ode to a Tiny Shingle-Style Cottage

A little house perched on the rocks in Vinalhaven is a delightful example of rusticator architecture, writes architect Henry N. Cobb.

The Maine I Love - Judy Berk

Images of Maine by Judy Berk.