Tall Ships parade planned in Portland
Friday, July 17th 2015

This has been a week for magnificent big sailing vessel in Maine.
On July 18, 2015, a fleet of magnificent tall ships will sail into Portland's harbor as part of the TALL SHIPS CHALLENGE® Atlantic Coast 2015 series of races and public maritime festivals. Earlier this week, the French-built frigate L'Hermoine sailed up Penobscot Bay and spent several days in Castine.
In Portland, the tall ships will muster for the Parade of Sail just southeast of Portland Head Light around 1:15pm on Saturday, July 18. The parade begins at 1:45, when the first ship sets sail for the main ship channel into Portland Harbor. Up to 14 ships are expected to sail in the Parade, stretching out single file for more than 2 nautical miles.
Take a look at the Tall Ships festival schedule of events for a whole weekend of Tall Ships festivities.
Ships expected to participate include
Picton Castle – Avatiu, Cook Islands
El Galeón Andalucía– Sevilla, Spain
Oliver Hazard Perry – Newport, RI
Tickets to board and tour the ships Sunday, (19th) and Monday, (20th) are $15 and can be purchased through www.tallshipsportland.com. Or by calling 207-619-1842.