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Poinsettias: Brilliant history, colorful plant

The holiday poinsettia takes a little care and delivers a lot of seasonal color.

Itching to Garden - Maine Gardens

These hardy vegetable choices work well in Maine’s chilly spring season.

Spring Cleaning Time - March

Starting your garden off on the right foot is crucial here, where the season is relatively short.

Garden, Garlic - Lynette Walther

This plant is not only good, it’s good for you.

Yurt - William Coperthwaite

William Coperthwaite may have the answer to the mortgage market troubles—build a yurt.

All about daylillies

As easy as they are to grow, it is every bit as easy to fall in love with the colorful, striking daylily. Just ask Susan Shaw.

Sunflowers - A Smile in your Garden

There’s always room in the garden for sunflowers, and they're quick and easy to grow.