A Letter from the Publisher - Issue 116
Issue 116
By John K. Hanson, Jr.

John K. Hanson, Jr., publisher,
Maine Boats, Homes & Harbors, Inc.
Photo by Jeff ScherRockland, Maine

John K. Hanson, Jr., publisher,
Maine Boats, Homes & Harbors, Inc.
Photo by Jeff Scher
Good Intentions: For a while, I was content...
I’ve been trying boats on for size this spring and early summer. I sold a boat earlier in the year and had full intentions to be happy with the large fleet of boats that our household already owned. All of them are wonderful boats, each almost perfectly filling its role in the boat scheme of things. I happily counted my many blessings, and for a while I was content. I blame the subsequent change on the view from my office window. Here at 218 South Main Street, we overlook Rockland Harbor. We see over the breakwater to Penobscot Bay; we see North Haven, Vinalhaven, Owls Head, and, if I look hard sideways, I can see up Penobscot Bay to Blue Hill. In the winter, and the late spring, this vista is devoid of most boat traffic except that of the fishermen, the ferry service, and the Coast Guard. On many days I look out the window and admire the fortitude of the seamen on the bay while I relish the warmth of my office. This spring was wretched weather-wise, but the boats did slowly appear. Then the sun broke through, the wind piped in, and the sails began to come into view. All that sent me back over the edge. I needed a sailboat on the bay; a boat with some bunks, some headroom, some speed, and lots of class. And of course, it had to be affordable. The search began and at this writing is still full on. With Walter Mitty as my navigator, we have sailed many a boat and anchored in many a harbor. We’ve found fault, we’ve bemoaned the perfection that is beyond our means, and we’ve looked some more. I am quite fortunate that the Maine Boats, Homes & Harbors Show, which this year runs from August 12 to 14, will be right out my front door. All I will have to do is cross the street and walk down the hill to be able to tour the docks and the show grounds and continue my search for just the right boat in the flesh, so to speak. By talking to the builders and designers of the boats that will be on display, I’ll get the straight skinny on what works and what doesn’t. Then, if Walter can come up with some cash, we might just be able to sail home.
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Art, Artisans, Food, Fun & Boats, Boats, Boats
August 11 - 13, 2023 | On the waterfront, Rockland, Maine
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Show is produced by Maine Boats, Homes & Harbors magazine.