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Casco Bay Stripers: Magnificent fish in local waters

In which a very big striper is caught but escapes before it can be measured.

Launchings, lighthouse horns, salmon news

A wide array of launchings, boating safety class, antifouling technology

Letters to the Editor — Issue 177

Maine mammals, paper charts, round of applause

Clementine & Winston and Skeeter

Clementine, Winston, Skeeter

Farewell and hello

Farewell and hello

Maine I Love — Isaac Remsen

Through photographer Isaac Remsen's lens

Welcome Downeast

Pollen, peonies, island camping

A Trustworthy Grumman Canoe

An old Grumman canoe has proven its worth.

Rocky Arrival at Ragged Island

An overnight sail to Criehaven and a lucky rescue.

New boats, new engines, turn off the water

Electric engines, lobster landings, yoga for fishermen

Boatyard Dogs Tiller & Kanga

Tiller and Kanga

Falling in love with Maine lakes

Falling in love with Maine lakes

Maine I Love — Joe Upton

Maine through the eye of Joe Upton

Welcome Downeast

Melting ice, swelling birdsong, and red maple flowers

The Transformative Power of Rowing

The DoryWoman of Belfast shares her love of her craft.